First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Address of the Property *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Distance from Ipswich, MA? *
Who lives/will live in the home? Is it currently occupied? *
Occupations *
Do you have any animals that need to remain on the property? *
Are you willing/able to vacate your home for 14-18 weeks during renovation? *
Do you own your home? *
What is your financial budget for this renovation? *
Is your financing already secured? *
Number of Bedrooms *
Number of Bathrooms *
Square Footage *
Year of Build *
Type/Style of Home *
What is the lot size of the property? *
Are you aware of any structural issues? *
Any parking restrictions around the home? *
Has the home been tested for asbestos? *
Is the house designated as historic or otherwise protected for preservation? *
What do you love about your home? *
What do you dislike about your home? *
If you could change anything about the exterior what would it be? (Paint color, front door, porch, backyard, etc.) *
Describe the spaces you are planning to renovate. *
Are there any "must have" projects or elements you envision for your home? *
Is there anything "off limits" in your home? (i.e. rewiring, tearing down walls, etc.) *
Is there a time-sensitive reason triggering this renovation? *
Have you already met with a contractor, architect or designer about this project? *
Tell us about your hobbies and family activities. *
Describe your interior design style. *
Why are you interested in renovation? *
How did you hear about the casting call? *
Have you appeared or been considered for any other home renovation show in the past? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
If you do not include current photos, we cannot consider your house. If you are having problems uploading your photos, please note here, and we will provide you with another way to submit them.
Upload a photo of the people living in the house.
Upload a photo of the home's exterior.
Upload a photo of the kitchen.
Upload a 2nd view of the kitchen
Upload a photo of the main living space or living room.
Upload 2nd View of the main space/living room.
Upload a photo of the dining area.
Upload 2nd view of dining area.
Upload a photo of the master bedroom.
Upload 2nd view of master bedroom
Upload a photo of the master bathroom.
Upload additional interior photo.
Additional link to pictures of your home.
Please provide a sketch of the room layout
If you have a video walkthrough of your home, please upload here.